Bible Discovery Guides
*Bible Discovery Guides are the copyrighted work of Sarah Overstreet Midyett and used with permission.
Teachings of Christ in the NT in 3 volumes individual lessons.
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Christ's Teachings in Person
1. Parable of the Sower
2. Some Parables of the Kingdom
3. Some Parables of Discipleship
4. Some Parables of the Father’s Heart
5. Parables of the Believer’s Heart at Salvation
6. Parables of Heart Attitude When Wronged
7. Parables of Heart Attitude Toward Associates
8. Parables of Heart Attitude Toward God
9. Believer’s Heart Attitude Toward Things
10. Parables of Heart Attitude in Service
11. Parables of Preparation for the End Time
12. Parables of Activities Before the End Time
13. Parables of Separation at the End Time
14. Parable of Basis for Reward at the End Time
15. Parable of the Difference in Reward at the End Time
16. A Parable of Life After Death
17. Summary of the Parables
18. The Sermon on the Mount: The Believer’s Inner Character
19. Relationship to the Law
20. Relationship to Religious Acts
21. Relationship to Earthly Wealth
22. Relationship to Fellow Man
23. Two Reactions to Jesus’ Teachings
24. Jesus’ Prophetic Discourse
25. Jesus’ Prophetic Discourse Concluded
26. The First Farewell Discourse
27. The Second Farewell Discourse
28. The Third Farewell Discourse and Closing Prayer
29. Jesus’ Great Commission
Christ's Teachings Through Paul (Romans)
1. Introduction to Romans
2. God’s Provision for Sinners
3. God’s Provision for Saved People
4. God’s Provision for the Whole World
5. Man’s Response to God’s Provision
Christ's Teachings Through Other Apostles (Hebrews-Revelation)
1. Hebrews: Christ Compared to the Prophets and Angels
2. Christ Compared to Moses and Joshua (Hebrews)
3. Christ Compared to Aaron (Hebrews)
4. Application and Exhortation (Hebrews)
5. Basic Attitudes of Life (James)
6. Resulting Actions of Life (James)
7. Resulting Attitudes of Life (James)
8. The Christian’s Attitude Toward this Earthly Life (I Peter)
9. The Christian’s Behavior In this Earthly Life (I Peter)
10. The Second Letter of Peter
11. The First Letter of John
12. The Second and Third Letters of John
13. The Letter of Jude
14. The Revelation Given to John
15. Approximate Dates of Events in the New Testament
16. Summary of the teachings of the New Testament Books