Bible Discovery Guides
*Bible Discovery Guides are the copyrighted work of Sarah Overstreet Midyett and used with permission.
New Testament Survey in 4 volumes individual lessons.
Click on the picture to download the complete volume.

Life of Christ: Infancy-Ministry
1. Between the Testaments
2. Introduction to New Testament Geography
3. Pre-Existence
4. The Ancestry and Infancy of Jesus
5. The Childhood and Youth of Jesus
6. The Forerunner and Baptism of Jesus
7. The Temptation of Jesus
8. The Transition to Jesus’ Public Ministry
9. In Judea: Talk with Nicodemus
10. In Samaria: Talk with Samaritan Woman
11. In Galilee: Teaching and Healing
12. At Capernaum: Opening Events
13. A Day of Miracles
14. Throughout Galilee and Back at Capernaum
15. An Important Event at Capernaum
16. Sabbath Controversies
17. The Mount of Beatitudes
18. Throughout Southern Galilee and Return
19. To the Gerasenes and Return
20. In Capernaum Again
21. The Twelve Sent Out
22. Journey to Bethsaida
23. The First Tour
24. The Second Tour
25. Events in Capernaum
26. At the Feast of Tabernacles
27. Further Conflicts in Judea
28. Evangelization of Perea Begun
29. Evangelization of Perea Concluded
Life of Christ: Passion Week-Ascension
1. Jesus’ Return to Bethany
2. Jesus’ Entrance Into Jerusalem
3. Jesus in the Temple:Lesson of Fig Tree
4. Teaching in the Temple
5. Questions in the Temple
6. Preparations for Jesus’ Death
7. Jesus’ Betrayal and Arrest
8. Jesus’ Trials and Condemnation
9. Jesus’ Crucifixion, Death, and Burial
10. Resurrection and Appearances
11. Last Commission and Ascension
12. Last Appearance to the Disciples
13. Detailed Outline of the Life of Christ

Life of the Early Church: Ascension-Antioch
1. Events Following Jesus’ Ascension
2. Acts of the Apostles
3. Peter’s First Miracle
4. The First Persecution
5. The Life of the Early Church
6. The Second Persecution
7. The Third Persecution
8. The Fourth Persecution
9. Introduction to Saul’s Life
10. Peter’s Journey to Lydda, Joppa and Caesarea
11. The Fifth Persecution
12. The Church at Antioch
Life of the Early Church: Paul-Revelation
1. Barnabas and Saul’s First Missionary Journey Begun
2. First Missionary Journey Concluded
3. Paul’s First Missionary Furlough
4. Second Missionary Journey Begun
5. Paul’s Ministry in Philippi
6. Paul’s Visit to Thessalonica and Berea
7. Paul’s Visit to Athens
8. Pauls’ Letter to the Thessalonians
9. Paul’s Visit to Corinth
10. Paul’s Third Missionary Journey Begins
11. Paul’s Letters to the Corinthians
12. Paul’s Letters to the Galatians and the Romans
13. Paul’s Third Missionary Journey Concluded
14. Paul at Jerusalem
15. Paul in Caesarea
16. Paul’s Journey to Rome
17. Paul in Rome
18. Paul’s Letters from the Roman Prison
19. Paul’s Last Letters
20. Summary of Paul’s Life and Work
21. Summary of Other Apostles’ Lives and Work
22. Johns Great Vision
23. The Message to the Churches
24. The Throne Scene
25. The Seven Seals
26. The Seven Trumpets
27. The Great Warfare
28. The Seven Bowls
29. Christ’s Final Conquest
30. The New Heaven and the New Earth
31. Summary of the Book of Revelation