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Develop Your Unit
Beginner's Bible Curriculum
Resources to Teach the Bible Lessons
What lessons do you include for someone with little to no Bible background? This scope and sequence develops a basic overview of God's redemptive history using both Old and New Testament units.
Unit 1 Beginnings
Unit 2 Life of Jesus
Lesson Plans:
Connect the OT/NT
Birth of Jesus
Baptism and Temptation
Leper and Paralytic
Parable of 4 Soils
Feeding the 5,000
Zacchaeus Receives Salvation
Jesus' Crucifixion
Jesus' Resurrection
Unit 3 Moses-David
Lesson Plans:
Moses' Birth
Moses at Burning Bush
Pharaoh and Nine Plagues
Passover: Saved from Death
Crossing the Red Sea
Ten Commandments
Saul Disobeys/David is Anointed
David Kills Goliath
David Waits for His Kingdom
David Receives the Kingdom!
Ten Commandments
Unit 4 Acts-King Jesus
Lesson Plans:
Jesus' Crucifixion/Resurrection
(Resurrection Eggs: see video below)
Jesus Ascends into Heaven
Holy Spirit Descends
Saul's Conversion (roleplay script)
King Jesus Comes Again!
How to make and explain your own set of Resurrection Eggs
A sample explanation of purchased Resurrection Eggs
BONUS Teacher Helps!
Bonus Teacher Resources
Songs that go with the Lessons
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